This page lists my contributions in free access: extensions for WordPress, snippets, tools…
- I contribute to the WordPress documentation in French as a writer, proofreader and translator
Tools and ressources
- CSS and PHP code generator for Gutenberg Color Palettes and Font Sizes
- My blog
- A beginning of documentation (codes, snippets…) that I use daily and that I published
WordPress plugins
- Synchronize Editor and ACF Color Pickers : Synchronize the ACF color pickers fields with the editor’s color pickers (Gutenberg)
- ACF Flexible Template : Save flexible ACF fields as templates for reuse
- WooCommerce Sell Coupons : Selling gift coupons with WooCommerce
- Elementor Ocean WP Posts Skin : Display the OceanWP theme style in the Elementor Posts widget
- Elementor Custom Shapes : Adding custom divider shapes to Elementor sections
- Menu Item ID : Adding identifiers to WordPress menu items
- Export Bookings WC to CSV : Export bookings from WooCommerce Bookings to CSV format
- Divi Title Module : Adds a “Title” module to the Divi page builder