Remove WooCommerce Patterns
A small mu-plugin to remove all WooCommerce Patterns in Gutenberg editor. Copy-paste the PHP file to your wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder. Props to @rahe.
Bulk convert classic posts to Gutenberg
A quick post to present a plugin that allows you to bulk convert the content of old posts (pages, posts, custom post type…) into Gutenberg blocks. It’s a little trick that can quickly become annoying: having to click on “Convert to blocks” each time you edit a post written with the old editor. To avoid…
Lock Reusable Blocks : a plugin to lock Reusable Blocks in the editor.
Lock reusable blocks in Gutenberg to avoid unintentional global changes.
Adding options and controls to an existing Gutenberg block
How to add options and controls to existing blocks in Gutenberg, and save them in attributes.
CSS and PHP generator for Gutenberg Color Palettes
A tool to generate the PHP and CSS/SASS code needed to create Gutenberg color palettes.